Shore Nikbin Rohany


#CoronaUpdate with Shore: “We Seized the Opportunity”

Shore digitizes business for service providers and retailers with their software. The Munich-based company experienced the corona crisis as a…

Agile Robots


#CoronaUpdate with Agile Robots: “Want People to Be Able to Work Even Closer With Robots”

Agile Robot develops intelligent robots for a wide range of applications. Tanja Barschow, Head of Communications at Agile Robots, talks…



Startup Tutorial: Starting a Business on the Right Foot

On the path from the first business idea to a successful company there can be some pitfalls lurking along the…

#CoronaUpdate Cliniserve


#CoronaUpdate with Cliniserve: “We Want to Help Tackle the Care Shortage”

Cliniserve offers a digital solution for hospitals that supports caregivers in performing their work. That means the potential customers of…

Das Münchner Kreativvquartier


The Munich Kreativquartier: New Space for Startups, Creatives and Art

On the border between Neuhausen and Schwabing-West, a new urban neighborhood is emerging that aims to unite residential and professional…

Coronaupdate Limehome


#CoronaUpdate with Limehome: “Corona Was the Absolute Litmus Test for Us”

Limehome has developed a technology platform that it uses to rent out designer apartments. Corona brought virtually all travel to…

#CoronaUpdate Userlane


#CoronaUpdate with Userlane: “The New Remote-First Situation Is Here to Stay.”

Userlane offers interactive step-by-step instructions intended to let users immediately use software at a high level of proficiency without any…

#Coronaupdate Accurate


Social Distancing Simulation: #CoronaUpdate with Accurate

Accurate simulates flows of people to make events and movement in buildings safer. Since the corona crisis began, there are…

#CoronaUpdate mit Uniki


#CoronaUpdate with Uniki: “We thought our product would be perfect for the crisis”

With their cloud server Elly, the Munich startup Uniki is digitizing the work of small and medium sized companies –…

CoronaUpdate Volabo


#CoronaUpdate with Volabo: “We’re right on schedule”

Volabo develops high-performance engines that run on a low voltage of 48 volts. In our #CoronaUpdate, Lena Honsberg, responsible for…