Munich Startup

Minimalist Phone


Less time on your cell phone with Minimalist Phone

We probably all spend too much time on our cell…

ZeroEx team


ZeroEx: Fighting climate change with rock

Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) involves spreading rock dust on arable…

Munich Startup Special Prize 2024, Ecoplanet


Munich Startup Special Prize goes to Ecoplanet at Bits & Pretzels

The Munich-based tech company Ecoplanet has won the “Munich Startup…



Price collapse in quota trading: How Ecoturn defies adverse circumstances

Anyone who drives an electric car saves CO2 compared to the owner of a... read on

© Andreas Gebert / Baystartup


BayStartup: "Competition for investments intensifies"

What do creativity, sophistication and perseverance have to do with st... read on

2NA Fisch, Munich Startup Award 2024


2NA Fish is the Best Munich Startup of 2024

The 8th Munich Startup Award goes to 2NA Fish. This means the healthte... read on

Tina Ruseva, Mentessa


Tina Ruseva: "Transformation requires learning and collaboration as a collective"

Tina Ruseva founded Mentessa in 2019. Her startup is a “mentor a... read on

Munich Startup Ecosystem

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