#TheWorldAfterCorona with Climedo Health: “Corona Catapulted Digitization Ahead by Five Years”

Climedo Health supports medical device companies in collecting clinical data, for example in studies. Co-founder and COO Veronika Schweighart let us know how she sees the world after corona.

Clinical tests and authorization procedures for new pharmaceutical products became a topic of public discussion several months ago. Climedo offers a platform for handling this kind of clinical data digitally.

The corona crisis affected the Munich startup in that it gave medical device companies the time to digitize their processes. Co-founder and COO Veronika Schweighart also reported that an electronic journal, which had previously been used in clinical studies, was made available to health departments to trace contact persons in home quarantine:

“This means they can enter their symptoms digitally at any time, so health departments no longer have to make hundreds or thousands of calls each day and can save on resources and time as a result.”

Schweighart sees a major digitization boost in her industry due to corona:

“Corona has been called a catalyst by many experts, and in digital healthcare in particular, some say corona has catapulted digitization ahead by five years.”

Climedo Health founder hopes for “flexibility, confidence and a certain amount of courage”

At the beginning of the pandemic, the Climedo team consisted of just ten employees, said Schweighart. The startup now has a staff of 30. In terms of the future, she said:

“I think that flexibility, confidence and a certain amount of courage are perhaps the most important qualities that we should all take away from the pandemic.”

In the full video, Veronika Schweighart of Climedo Health shares how she sees #TheWorldAfterCorona:


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