After the last 12 months of the corona pandemic, the world is different place. Apart from the obvious changes – like the economic crisis, a significant boost in digitization and political polarization – the virus has had an impact on the lives of every individual and also on how startups work.
Last year, 18 startups talked about how the crisis specifically affected their business in our #CoronaUpdate video series. The videos demonstrate how different the impact of pandemic has been: Corona forced some companies to stop operating completely, like Flixbus. In contrast, Air Up has come out of the crisis stronger according to its founder Lena Jüngst.
In a new video series, we now want to dare to set our sights on what’s to come after corona: What will remain when corona becomes a thing of the past? What will the world look like after corona?
Just like in our #CoronaUpdate, Munich startups once again share their unfiltered view of the crisis in our new series #TheWorldAfterCorona. They talk about how they had to adjust and also about the positive changes driven by the crisis. At the end, we ask the startups to assess themselves: Are you corona winners or corona losers?
How Mr Beam Lasers Sees #TheWorldAfterCorona
We start with Teja Philipp from Mr Beam Lasers. The founder and CEO talks about the path his company took through the corona crisis. In particular, the startup adapted the sales of its laser cutter. As a result, the pandemic has also created an opportunity for the future.
Find out how Teja Philipp from Mr Beam Lasers sees #TheWorldAfterCorona in the complete video: