Photo: Arthur Bus

Arthur Bus: Emission-free local transportation

Arthur Bus wants to set new standards in the field of alternative drive systems with its modern hydrogen buses. Founder and CEO Philipp Glonner spoke to us about his vision of actively shaping the mobility of the future and his plans for the coming years.

Munich Startup: What does Arthur Bus do? What problem do you solve?

Philipp Glonner, Arthur Bus: Arthur Bus is a mobility company and system manufacturer with a focus on zero-emission mobility in public transportation. Our company has developed the world’s most modern hydrogen bus to tackle the challenges of sustainable transportation.

Munich Startup: But that’s nothing out of the box!

Philipp Glonner: Although alternative drive concepts already exist, Arthur Bus differentiates itself through innovative technologies and a holistic approach. The vehicle was developed from scratch. Our hydrogen bus sets new standards in terms of efficiency and range, which makes it unique on the market.

Munich Startup: What’s your founding story?

Philipp Glonner: A shared vision! The collective drive to actively bring about change instead of just waiting for tomorrow’s developments. The decision to be part of the solution instead of just debating about it.

Munich Startup: What have been your biggest challenges so far?

Philipp Glonner: One of thebiggest challenges was the technological development of the hydrogen bus and overcoming existing market hurdles in the public sector.

Arthur Bus wants to strengthen its presence in the market

Munich Startup: Where would you like to be in a year, where would you like to be in five years?

Philipp Glonner: In one year, we are aiming to intensify the series production of our hydrogen buses and strengthen our presence in the market. In five years, we see Arthur Bus as an established original equipment manufacturer (OEM) in the global market for emission-free mobility and having a successful IPO.

Munich Startup: How have you experienced Munich as a startup location so far?

Philipp Glonner: In our experience to date, we have experienced comparatively little as a startup in Germany. The challenge is that startups in Germany face particular hurdles, which has led us to focus more on other countries. The bureaucracy in public competition is extremely limiting and innovation-averse. Apart from that, funding for startups is virtually non-existent. That’s why our market launch began abroad as a first step. We are gaining extremely positive experience here.

Munich Startup: Risk or security?

Philipp Glonner: From an entrepreneurial point of view: Risk. With our bus: maximum safety!

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