Munich Startups You Can Find in Stores

Here are some startups that are literally within reach since they are available on supermarket shelves – we’ve put together six young, Munich-based companies for you whose products you can easily buy and try.

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Made with Freising brewing water, coconut milk, rice, rice protein and sunflower oil, Pläin offers a plant-based alternative to cow milk. Founded in 2019 by Michael Sysoev, Julia Deuter and Jonathan Herrmann, the startup produces a local, plant-based milk alternative that is filled into returnable bottles with a deposit to “counteract the ‘Tetra Pak’ insanity,” as the three founders emphasized in an interview with Munich Startup. Customers can find the plant-based milk alternative in stores such as Vollcorner, Feinkost Käfer and the Munich Ohne shops. (Photo: Pläin)