Agrando founder Jonathan Bernwieser at his farm.
© Agrando

Agtech: Munich Startups in the Agricultural Industry

Agtech stands for ‘agricultural technology’ and includes all of the technical innovations that make farming, landscaping and aquaculture more digital, more data-driven and more sustainable. There are also some Munich startups involved in the scene. We have five to share with you today.

agrilution GmbH
The subject Agrilution focuses on is vertical farming. The ‘Plantcube’ made by the Munich startup aims to make it possible for customers to use seed mats to grow vegetables, lettuce and herbs in their own kitchens. It works because the fully automated growing cubes offer a closed ecosystem with seed mats, light, climate control and automatic watering in a cabinet the size of a refrigerator. The system is controlled through the company’s own cloud platform: An app provides information about the growth process as well as tips about maintenance and harvesting. In late 2019, Agrilution had to file for bankruptcy, but was taken over in the beginning of the following year by Miele. Those who are interested can buy a ‘Plantcube’ for just under 2,000 euros.