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Five Munich Edtech Startups That Are Revolutionizing Learning

The digitalization of learning continues to progress. It’s innovative startups in particular that are driving development – as is demonstrated by these five examples from the Munich startup scene.

Edurino founders Irene Klemm and Franziska Meyer (from left)
The edtech startup Edurino has developed an educational app that aims to offer children aged 4 and up hybrid access to reading and writing through mobile devices with a pen and physical figurines. Parents can track their children’s learning progress and monitor screen time on their own devices. The app announces the end of playing time and turns off after screen time is over. The aim is to not only teach the basics of reading, writing and counting, but also the correct use of digital media. The startup was founded in 2021 by Franziska Steiner and Irene Klemm and developed the learning content in collaboration with educators and other experts. Edurino’s investors, who recently gave the startup 3.4 million euros, include Btov Partners, Emerge Education and business angels such as Verena Pausder. (Photo: Edurino) 
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