Five Successful SCE Alumni

Five well-known Munich startups that were supported by the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE), the entrepreneurship center of Hochschule München.

The fittech startup Freeletics was founded in 2013 and is one of the fastest growing digital fitness companies in the world. The location of what was originally an Unternehmergesellschaft (entrepreneurial company with limited liability) was registered at the time by founders Andrej Matijczak, Mehmet Yilmaz and Joshua Cornelius at Heßstraße 89 at the SCE. Freeletics has long since outgrown the SCE with its 53 million users (according to the company), and the three founders have also sold their shares since then and are working on new projects. A Series B funding round was most recently completed by the company in September 2020 amounting to more than 22 million euros (25 million dollars). That puts the company valuation at 205 million euros according to Munich Startup Insights. (Photo: Freeletics)