Five Success Stories From the LMU EC

At the end of last year, the LMU Entrepreneurship Center (LMU EC) stopped its operations. Its successor, the LMU Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center (LMU IEC), has now taken its place. We look back and showcase five of the most successful Munich-based alumni from the program.

Flix once launched with support from the LMU EC to “open up new opportunities for young and student target groups to travel between German cities affordably and in utmost comfort.”. That was almost ten years ago. The company founded by Jochen Engert, Daniel Krauss and André Schwämmlein is now worth approximately 2.7 billion euros and also runs trains in addition to busses – no longer just in Germany, but also in large parts of Europe, North America and Brazil. The three founders are also sharing their success with others: through SEK Ventures and individually, they are participating as investors in many other startups. (Photo: Flix)
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