Video Interview with Bastian Nominacher: How Celonis Became a Unicorn

As the latest Munich unicorn, the local company Celonis was already the talk of the town in 2018. CEO and co-founder Bastian Nominacher told us more in our video interview series “Munich Startup visits…” about how he experienced the development process and how the young company is dealing with rapid growth.

Celonis currently has more than 400 employees worldwide and still they are recruiting non-stop. That’s because everything is pointing towards growth and internationalization. With the process mining technology on which Nominacher and his co-founder have based their business, the Munich founders have hit a major home run. Renowned customers around the globe already work with Celonis technology — and the trend is rising.

How does error management work at Celonis?

Rapid growth also brings along major responsibility. In our video interview, Bastian Nominacher shared with us how they keep everyone committed to a shared goal as the number of employees steadily increases in what has become a billion-euro company while still maintaining their startup culture. He also talks about the error management culture at Celonis and what he would still like to see in Munich as a startup location.


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All videos from our “Munich Startup visits…” series are available here.

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