
Startups Show How It’s Done: The Digitization Solutions Companies Need Now

The spread of the coronavirus is currently holding a mirror up to many companies as it makes clear how much…

TechFounders Lorenz Hartung


When Wheat Is Separated from the Chaff — an Interview with Lorenz Hartung from TechFounders

What does an accelerator program need to be successful? And why can it be a good idea for startups to…

TechFounders Logo, Aldi


More Than a Standard Program – a Talk with… TechFounders!

ProGlove, Konux, Tacterion — three well-known names from the Munich startup scene that have one thing in common: all three…

Good to know

Israeli Transportation Startups: Join the TechFounders’ EcoMotion Bootcamp

The TechFounders’ EcoMotion Bootcamp is offering 10 Smart Transportation Startups from Israel a 4 day fully funded visit to Munich.…