Good to know

Going Global: Flourish in France

Expanding to France is an obvious step for German startups: The market is large, relationships good and regulations consistent thanks…


Good to know

Going Global: The United States Welcome Businesses of all Sizes and Types

As the home country of numerous Unicorns, the United States are a place of longing for many startups. Not only…


Good to know

Going Global: Patience Is Needed to Work With China

For many startups, China is an important market for scaling their technologies. Taking advantage of these opportunities, however, requires in-depth…

Toronto, Ontario, Kanada

Good to know

Going Global: What Links Canada’s Ontario With Munich

As soon as startups start looking for suitable markets for international expansion, most of them probably initially consider the US,…

Japan, Tokyo, Shibuya

Good to know

Going Global: Successful Collaboration with Japanese Partners and Customers

Almost every startup reaches a point where they leave their domestic market to tap into new markets abroad. But which…


“Come Together, Mingle and Meet!” – The 2018 MUST Conference

“MUST – The Munich Summit” has become a “must” in just three years’ time.  The conference aims to network leading…

Good to know

ESA BIC Bavaria startups go international

The ESA’s Business Incubation Centre Bavaria (ESA BIC Bavaria) seeks entrepreneurs using space technologies in a non-space environment. Two of…

Good to know

Bits & Pretzels: Commencing countdown…

Only a few more days before Munich begins to fill up. Not just with visitors to the celebrated Oktoberfest, but…