Munich Startup: What motivated you to found a company?
Sabine Häußermann: I think that all people with chronic respiratory diseases – regardless of what they earn, where they’re from or their level of education – should have access to the best possible treatment. The innovation that I feel is necessary to provide that can be implemented efficiently in a startup environment.
Rapid progress with an excellent team
Munich Startup: What do you now wish you had known before founding your first company?
Sabine Häußermann: That I would have so much fun each day being self employed. Mostly because in a startup, I can make rapid progress with this excellent team.
Munich Startup: How have you funded your company so far?
Sabine Häußermann: Predominantly through business angels from our industry who realized from the very beginning how important our product is for patients and attending physicians, and who put their trust in us.
Munich Startup: When and where do you have the best ideas?
Sabine Häußermann: That varies quite a bit, but often when I’m out walking or riding my bike.
Munich Startup: What are your three favorite work tools?
Sabine Häußermann:
1. Conversations or meetings in person, because that allows me to gauge the situation best.
2. My smartphone, because it is so incredibly versatile.
3. The internet, because it always has answers and surprises.
The story counts
Munich Startup: What is your top tip for pitching?
Sabine Häußermann: Your pitch deck will never be perfect, but that doesn’t take away from the pitch, because it’s all about the story.
Munich Startup: Do you think now is a good time to start a company? Why?
Sabine Häußermann: It’s definitely a good time to start a company. The digital revolution has put us in a period of transition, and it needs to be shaped in order to bring about the best possible results for society and health. I am thoroughly convinced that innovative ideas can be developed and implemented best in startups.
Munich Startup: What technology or industry would you bank on when founding your next startup?
Sabine Häußermann: It would still be digitization in the healthcare industry, because Germany is bringing up the rear in the field and needs to quickly catch up. Otherwise companies from other countries that are further along will surpass us and might not adapt to our circumstances as well.
A startup center for digital health would be desirable
Munich Startup: What do you think could still use some improvement in Munich as a startup location?
Sabine Häußermann: The disadvantage in Munich – like in the rest of Germany – is that it’s unbelievably difficult for founders to obtain money. There are no loans, and it’s not always easy to complete bigger rounds in the early stage. The US and Israel have a very strong lead in this respect.
I personally would like to have a startup center in Munich that is committed to digital health. BioM in Martinsried is great, but is simply more focused on biotech.
Munich Startup: What founder would you like to meet in person some day? And what would you ask them?
Sabine Häußermann: Elon Musk, because he showed such incredible courage with so many of his ideas (Tesla). At the same time, it looks from afar like there were also some things that went down the wrong track. I would like to ask him if he ever doubted or doubts himself.