catherine leser penzilla gründerin

Women in Tech

“I’ve always had a dream to start up” – Catherine Leser of Penzilla

With her startup Penzilla, founded in 2021, founder Catherine Leser wants to revolutionize company pension plans and thus make a…



Worknow: Digital Job Portal for Professionals in Retail, Hospitality or Logistics

The Munich HR startup Worknow wants to close a gap for trained professionals and assistants with its job portal. Those…



FunctionHR: Making HR Decisions Based on Data

Data analysis is playing an important role in an increasing number of business divisions. To make sure HR departments can…



Inner-I: Virtual Ecstasy for Employee Development

The Munich B2B startup Inner-I has developed an innovative solution for employee development that combines virtual reality with brain wave…



KiwiHR: HR Software Instead of Green Fruit

The Munich startup KiwiHR has stepped up to create a software that is genuinely easy for human resource management. The…

Personio, Hanno Renner


Rapid Growth and Happy Employees: An Update Interview with Personio

The Munich HR startup Personio just recently completed a 40 million dollar round of financing. After that, the startup’s next…



Crewmeister: Time Tracking Made Easy

The Munich software startup Crewmeister aims to win over other companies with super easy digital HR processes. Founded in 2015,…

The Talentry founders Carl Hoffmann, Michael Blazek and Lionel von Dobeneck (© Talentry)


“A Lot of Hard Work, Perseverance and a Certain Amount of Luck” – The HR Startup Talentry

The Munich startup Talentry offers a cloud-based recruitment marketing platform. We spoke with founder and CEO Carl Hoffmann about how…