Startup Start-up Musk

Good to know

These Five Factors Differentiate A Startup From Other Companies

What makes a startup different from other company foundations? The question might sound trivial, but differentiating between startups and other…

Burda stellt Cliqz ein Krise

Good to know

The Crisis Will Take the Lives of Healthy Startups

As if under a magnifying glass, the corona crisis has exposed the strengths and weaknesses of startups. With their speed,…

Contactless Payment

Good to know

Contactless Payment: Has It Finally Made Its Breakthrough?

Germans love their cash – this common belief has always been quoted when it came to explaining why paying with…

Good to know

How the Virus Is Forcing Us to Go Digital

Bitkom published a study yesterday about the state of digitization in the German economy. According to the study, only a…