Marc Arnold (l) and Markus Weltz (r)
© One3

One3: Comfortable stay at charging stations

Everyone who drives an electric car and wants to charge is familiar with these problems: There is a lack of convenience at many locations and you wait impatiently until the car is fully charged. In this interview, Markus Weltz and Marc Arnold, who previously worked in management positions at Ikea and Tesla, among others, explain how One3 will solve this problem.

Munich Startup: What does your startup do? What problem do you solve?

Markus Weltz, Co-Founder: With One3, we build and operate innovative and smart convenience customer lounges at charging parks for electric cars. Charge point operators (CPOs) are not only looking for ideal locations. They are also desperately looking for concepts to make their charging points customer-oriented and stand out from the competition. We round off our offer by providing our CPO partners with a full-service package: In addition to the lounges, we also design and build the charging stations themselves and provide operational support for the location. In this way, we offer CPOs unbeatable arguments for cooperation. This allows them to scale their network of charging stations and operate the charging locations more profitably.

One3 lounges are fully digitalized, unmanned and smart

Munich Startup: But that already exists!

Marc Arnold, Co-Founder: Every driver knows the problems at service stations. Unfortunately, the few existing lounges at charging stations on the market are not particularly different. Too little comfort and an uninviting ambience. We are taking lounges into the digital age and setting ourselves apart through technology and quality. Our One3 lounges are fully digitalized, unmanned and smart – guaranteeing a level of comfort that does justice to a modern fast-charging location.

In addition, there is no company on the market that provides CPOs with a holistic concept: From the planning and construction of the charging parks, to the operation of the customer lounges and the operational management of the site. These turnkey solutions set us apart from the competition.

Munich Startup: What is your founding story?

Markus Weltz: We have known each other for about three years and are former business partners. Marc was responsible for building the first lounges on the market as managing director of a large shopfitter. And as an authorized signatory at one of the largest charging infrastructure operators, I was able to build up the network in various countries. So we both come from a fast-moving environment, know the business and love to take on new challenges.

Our shared desire to build something new quickly led us in a clear direction: we wanted to set up in a segment in which we are experts and solve our customers’ pain points today rather than tomorrow! Incidentally, “One3” stands for the 13th letter in the alphabet “M” and for our shared lucky number 13.

One3 wants to make charging points customer-oriented. (© One3)

Marc Arnold: “We are optimistic about the future”

Munich Startup: What have been your biggest challenges so far?

Marc Arnold: A challenging financing environment and – in our opinion – a mood that is currently far too negative. We are optimistic about the future for Germany as a business location in general and the development of e-mobility in particular!

Munich Startup: How is business going?

Markus Weltz: We have now officially been in existence for around four months and we are delighted to have signed our first orders in our various divisions. The order books with the existing personnel set-up are almost full for 2025. We must therefore now set the course for the coming expansion.

Munich Startup: How have you experienced Munich as a startup location so far?

Markus Weltz: As a native of Munich who grew up in the surrounding area, it was a matter of the heart for me to set up in Munich. As a young man from Hamburg, Marc has now also moved to the south of the republic, but is always very happy to get a taste of the sea air. We benefit from what is now a very strong startup culture in Munich, which is also pronounced in the real estate and mobility sectors. Our base is in Munich, but of course we work a lot in Germany and the surrounding countries for our projects.

Munich Startup: Hidden Champion or Shooting Star?

Marc Arnold: We will act as a brand and naturally want to achieve a certain level of attention and recognition in the market. Clearly: We’ll shoot for the stars!

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