Photo: Reev

Reev: Manage charging processes easily

A boost for electromobility: the platform developed by Reev networks charging stations in semi-public spaces and simplifies their management. This means that every parking space owner can easily become an operator themselves. In this interview, the founders told us about their vision, the challenges they have faced in the six years since the company was founded and why Munich is a great location for startups.

Munich Startup: What does your startup do? What problem do you solve?

Reev: We offer a platform for networking charging stations for electric cars. Charging processes can be managed, controlled and billed via this platform. Our software has been specially designed for the needs of semi-public spaces, companies, residential and commercial properties and parking garages. A good product solution is particularly in demand in these areas of application.

The special feature lies in the simplicity of operation – a charging station is ready for use within a few minutes and provides the various user groups with an ideal charging experience. We thus offer a unique overall solution that meets a wide range of requirements and enables a rapid rollout of future-proof charging infrastructure.

Munich Startup: But that already exists!

Reev: The product solutions available on the market are strongly focused on the public charging sector and are designed to enable energy suppliers and car manufacturers to enter the electromobility and charging business.

Our solution enables every parking lot owner to easily set up charging infrastructure, connect it online and thus become an operator themselves.

Reev wants to provide easy access to charging infrastructure

Munich Startup: What is your founding story?

Reev: Reev was founded in 2018, so we are celebrating our sixth anniversary this year. We started with the aim of facilitating the transition to e-mobility by providing easy access to charging infrastructure and ensuring that charging is easy wherever vehicles have long standing and parking times. While we initially provided a lot of help with project planning and installation, our focus is now fully on our software.

We have achieved and experienced a lot in the six years, have grown strongly as a team and have made a name for ourselves in the industry.

Munich Startup: What have been your biggest challenges so far?

Reev: Our biggest challenges include the current lack of available electric cars, the demanding financing environment and the task of filling vacancies with outstanding talent.

Munich Startup: Where would you like to be in one year, where would you like to be in five years?

Reev: In a year’s time, we will be playing a strong role in the most important European markets. In five years’ time, we want to be in a market that consists of purely electric new vehicle registrations.

Dynamic and inspiring place for startups

Munich Startup: How have you experienced Munich as a startup location so far?

Reev: Munich is a great location for startups. We particularly appreciate the high density of universities and research institutions, which facilitates access to talented specialists and innovative ideas. Networking within the startup community is also very strong, which enables regular exchange and mutual support. In addition, Munich offers a high quality of life, which makes it easier to attract and retain talented employees. Overall, we find Munich to be a dynamic and inspiring place for startups.

Munich Startup: Quick exit or staying power?

Reev: We have proven that we can be very disruptively innovative in the way we are financed and that this gives us a big head start. We want to use the opportunity that this offers us for as long as possible to drive forward and actively shape the transformation of mobility.

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