© herMoney

Anne Connelly: “It’s always the right time for a good idea”

Anne Connelly founded Hermoney, a women's finance platform, in 2017. Through the website, podcasts, events and academy, she empowers women to take control of their finances. Before that, the communications graduate was a top manager in the financial sector for many years.

Munich Startup: What motivated you to found the company?

Anne Connelly: I had a great career at renowned companies like Pioneer Investments (now Amundi) and Morningstar. When I started my dream job as Managing Director for Morningstar Germany, it was clear to me that I could only do something of my own afterwards. What exactly I would do matured over time. I observed that too many women didn’t take care of their money and often blindly trusted in their partner, with sometimes drastic consequences. I wanted to change that and founded Hermoney.

Munich Startup: What do you wish you had known before you started your first startup?

Anne Connelly: What value a co-founder can have to add to your skill set.

Munich Startup: How is your company funded so far?

Anne Connelly: I started the company with my own money and financed it from cash flow. When we expanded our product range, we brought in business angels.

“Always be open to a conversation, it could be worth a lot of money!”

Munich Startup: When and where do you get the best ideas?

Anne Connelly: Sunday mornings at my kitchen table.

Munich Startup: What are your 3 favorite work tools?

Anne Connelly: Slack, Zoom and Linkedin.

Munich Startup: Your top tip for pitching?

Anne Connelly: Always be open to a conversation, it could be worth a lot of money!

Munich Startup: Does it seem like a good time to startup right now? Why?

Anne Connelly: It’s always the right time for a good idea. Today, people take a closer look and don’t simply finance every idea without intensively scrutinizing the business model. That’s a good thing.

Munich Startup: What technology or industry would you focus on for your next startup?

Anne Connelly: I would stay in my area because that’s where I know best.

Anne Connelly: More space for social impact business

Munich Startup: What do you think could be improved in Munich as a startup location?

Anne Connelly: There should be more room for social impact businesses to have time to become sustainably profitable.

Munich Startup: Which founder would you like to meet in person? And what would you ask them?

Anne Connelly: Philipp Westermeyer from OMR. How did he manage to successfully build a modern media brand?

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