Felix Brehmer is the Enterprise Sales Manager and Digital Adoption Expert at the software startup Userlane and tells us about his favorite books, journaling and meetings.
Munich Startup: What does your morning routine look like?
Felix Brehmer, Userlane: I’m woken up on schedule at 6 am by my wake-up light alarm clock. To replace fluids after the night, I have a glass of lukewarm water, a cup of coffee and then tea – in that order. Then fit and ready to start my day, I write in my journal and read for 30 minutes, usually the newspaper ‘Die Zeit.’ Then I either do a round of yoga, bouldering or cycling depending on how early my first appointment is. Then I take a shower and ride my bike to the office or walk five steps to my stand-up desk at home.
Using digital and analog tools
Munich Startup: What is your favorite tool at work?
Felix Brehmer, Userlane: In digital terms, I rely completely on our CRM, Salesforce. All of my notes, tasks and customer information are saved in it. In analog terms, I additionally rely on a bullet journal to record the events of the day and reflect on them at the end of the day.
Munich Startup: Which three apps are must-haves?
Felix Brehmer, Userlane: Google Calendar, Google Maps and Meteoblue.
Munich Startup: Which Munich event is a must as a founder?
Felix Brehmer, Userlane: As regular evening events, I would recommend 12.min.me or Munich’s Funnelblick. And of course you have to be seen at Bits & Pretzels.
A clear agenda for meetings
Munich Startup: What book would you recommend?
Felix Brehmer, Userlane: “Stephen Covey – 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” It’s a book you can learn from your entire life.
Munich Startup: What is your favorite kind of meeting?
Felix Brehmer, Userlane: The motto “This meeting could have been an email” is unfortunately often true. And that’s why I only hold meetings when there really is something that needs discussing. If a meeting is imperative, then it should have a clear agenda. I prefer the phone for quick coordination, but for longer meetings, it should be a video call or in person.
Put your inbox on pause
Munich Startup: What is your biggest stumbling block in daily business?
Felix Brehmer, Userlane: Unplanned calls or emails. Every morning, I fill in the gaps between my planned meetings. When something unexpected comes in, then other things fall by the wayside and I notice my productivity starts to decline. To avoid that, it helps to put your email inbox on pause and only open internal tools like Slack at specific times.
Munich Startup: What gives you a boost of motivation at work?
Felix Brehmer, Userlane: A coffee break with a colleague. Or a phone call with a customer. Another alternative is the Spotify rock playlist to boost my energy level.
Munich Startup: How do you end your workday?
Felix Brehmer, Userlane: I close all my tabs, look through the notes in my bullet journal, shut down Software, turn off my laptop and look forward to the evening.