© gate Garchinger Technologie- und Gründerzentrum GmbH

A Coveted Address for Tech Startups – A talk with… gate!

The Garchinger Technologie- und Gründerzentrum – gate for short – has been around since 2002. The startup center provides an excellent working environment for tech startups in particular. For example, Metaio was located there before being acquired by Apple. The startup center also has a large partner network to offer — starting with B for BayStartUP to Z for the Zentrum Digitalisierung Bayern (which is also located at gate.)

gate Managing Director Christian Heckemann

We talked with gate Managing Director Christian Heckemann. 

Please tell us about yourselves!

Gate is a startup center funded by the Free State of Bavaria that is located on the Garching research campus. We are able to give startups unbeatable proximity to the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and additional research facilities such as the Max Planck Institutes. That is a USP, because many of our young entrepreneurs either already have connections with TUM or appreciate being able to recruit students as employees.

Free coaching

In addition to our location, we offer a range of other benefits: startups can be coached by an experienced management consultant and also take advantage of the workshops and seminars that are offered. Last but not least, the community of more than 50 tech startups is what makes gate such a popular place.

What do you focus on when working with startups?

We concentrate on a later, more mature stage; a time when it makes sense to rent an office. The business needs to have been founded already and have a strong business model in the field of technology. Ideally, they should also have their first paying customers.

“A few good components do not make a race car”

“To be successful, a startup needs to…”

do a lot of things right. As trivial as it might sound: a few good components do not make a race car. It is only possible to succeed as a whole if you can simultaneously and steadily optimize many key areas.

Why would a good startup even need a startup center to back them?

Because of the motivational atmosphere created by the dynamics of young, innovative startups and the mutual sharing of information that we like to promote as a startup center by regularly hosting events and meetups. It is not unusual for startups to work together.

Sometimes a new startup results, as was the case recently with terraplasma medical, which is a joint venture comprised of two gate tenants.

Cooperation of more than 50 tech startups

In addition to the coaching we already mentioned, we also offer some convenient services as a startup center, such as a reception area with mail service, different sized conference rooms, a bistro and our own server room.

What is the biggest mistake a startup can make?

One answer for all startups does not exist. Our company coach at gate, Andreas Preen, has compiled a few “typical” mistakes in his helpful article. Since these mistakes are made quite often, that means they could have been avoided.

What makes the Munich startup scene so special?

We have everything it takes to create a successful startup ecosystem in the greater Munich area. That includes two top universities with excellent entrepreneurship programs, several startup centers, large companies that are interested in startups… and an increasing number of events aiming to interconnect the Munich startup scene.

If you would like a spot at gate, you should apply ahead of time

Last but not least: whom should startups contact if they would like to meet up with you?

It’s easiest to click on the “Bewerben” button on our website and send us some information about your startup. Since we are completely booked as a startup center, it is useful for young companies to contact us ahead of time to avoid having to wait too long for office space.

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