Tag: Aerospace

“Using knowledge in a disciplined way” – crowdfunding tips from Octavi
The Munich-based startup Octavi has developed a flight simulator for the home. With the intuitive and ergonomic all-in-one device, you…

Nebumind Optimizes Aerospace Component Manufacturing
The startup Nebumind from Taufkirchen near Munich has developed software that ensures the quality of components, particularly in space flight.…

ESA Partner and Talent Factory – A talk with… the Ludwig Bölkow Campus
The Ludwig Bölkow Campus has existed since March 2012. It is located in Ottobrunn near Munich. They deal with all…

Good to know
Technology transfer: From Earth into space and from space to Earth
Technology transfer goes both ways — from Earth into space and from space to Earth. What lies behind is explained…

Startups that fly – A talk with… AZO and ESA BIC Bavaria
Anwendungszentrum Oberpfaffenhofen GmbH (AZO) aims to find and support aerospace-related innovations. Since its founding in 2004 as an incubator of…

Cosmic Ideas – A talk with… DLR Technology Marketing
The German Aerospace Center (DLR – Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) is represented in 16 locations across Germany and…

Machines with a human sense of touch: tacterion
Technology with big potential, working for yourself, well-targeted funding – there are many good reasons to start a company, and…