© Teilzeit.Talente

Teilzeit.Talente: Job board for part-time-friendly employers

In a world where more and more people want to work part-time, the search for qualified part-time jobs, especially in management positions, often remains frustrating. Johanna Fink, co-founder of Teilzeit.Talente, explains how her platform is helping to close the gap between the demand for and supply of part-time jobs. Together with Moritz Orendt, she founded the Teilzeit.Talente job board in 2024. Not only does it showcase good part-time jobs, but the founding team also helps companies to overcome their skills shortage and become part-time-friendly.

Munich Startup: What does your startup do? What problem do you solve?

Johanna Fink, Co-Founder Teilzeit.Talente: With our work, we are helping to close the gap between the demand for and supply of qualified part-time positions. Today, 30 percent of employees already work part-time – and the trend is rising. And yet most job boards only list part-time jobs for working students or low-paid jobs. Management positions in particular are hardly ever offered on a part-time basis.

With our job board at Teilzeit.Talente, we make good part-time jobs and part-time-friendly employers visible. We support companies in tapping into the benefits of a part-time-friendly organization, such as a sustainable employer branding advantage, strong employee loyalty and high productivity despite diverse working models.

Munich Startup: But that already exists!

Johanna Fink: (Unfortunately) not. We are the first startup to deal explicitly with the topic of part-time work and the economic and social benefits of this working model and to provide solutions for it.

Teilzeit.Talente: Two good ideas brought together

Munich Startup: What is your founding story?

Johanna Fink: My co-founder Moritz Orendt and I met halfway, so to speak. We actually started out independently of each other. Moritz with the job board – which was still called Teilzeitbörse at the time – and I with Teilzeit.Talente and a focus on advising companies.

We finally got to know each other through a podcast interview – at some point, Moritz approached me and asked if we would like to join forces. We’ve been on the road together since 2024 and I have to say, founding is simply more fun with two people!

Munich Startup: What have been your biggest challenges so far?

Johanna Fink: The biggest challenge is definitely the reluctance of some companies to offer part-time working models. Especially in the current uncertain economic situation, I have the impression that many companies have postponed the issue of skills shortages for the time being.

At the same time, the statistics clearly show that the situation will worsen massively from 2027 at the latest due to the retirement of the baby boomer generation. Organizations that are already adapting to this change today and are able to integrate flexible working models, for example, will then have a massive advantage on the labour market.

Part-time work as an important tool against skills shortages

Part-time work – even full-time – is an important tool in combating the shortage of skilled workers. This is because it serves to integrate previously structurally underemployed groups such as women and mothers in particular into the labor market. But part-time work is also highly attractive for younger employees, fathers and older people.

Munich Startup: Where would you like to be in a year, where would you like to be in five years?

Johanna Fink: In a year’s time, we will have further expanded the job board and will be able to offer jobs in more cities and thus support even more people in their search for a qualified part-time job. On the other hand, we hope that even more companies will work with us and become part-time-friendly employers.

In five years, we have scaled our business model, as demographic change – and the resulting increase in the shortage of skilled workers – has also led to a sharp rise in demand on the corporate side. We have hired people – part-time, of course – and have become a part-time-friendly employer ourselves. With our job board, we are the top address for good part-time jobs and with our seal of approval for part-time friendliness, we distinguish organizations in the DACH region.

Good part-time jobs are currently easier to find elsewhere

Munich Startup: How have you experienced Munich as a startup location so far?

Johanna Fink: One of our goals is to network even better with the social impact startup scene in Munich – because our work has a strong focus on social sustainability factors. Of course, there is a good startup infrastructure here – at the same time, when it comes to our specific topic, we realize that many of our corporate clients come from other federal states and that good part-time jobs are easier to find in Berlin, for example.

Munich Startup: Risk or security?

Johanna Fink: Definitely risk – otherwise we wouldn’t be dealing with this topic… But joking aside, we see ourselves as pioneers and that always goes hand in hand with a certain amount of uncertainty.

At the same time, both Moritz and I work part-time at Teilzeit.Talente and have other mainstays. Because we also see this as a trend for the future – many people no longer work for just one employer, but are on the move in various jobs and employment relationships.

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